Creating whimsical features in your home

You Have More Choices For a Garage Door Style Than You Think!

by Edwin Johnston

When you need a new garage door for your home, you may assume that the top hinged, up-and-over style is the only option for you, as this may be the most popular choice for many homes today. However, there are many other styles for garage doors from which to choose, one of which might be a better option for your home. Consider a few of those choices here and then discuss your options with an installer, so you're happy with your garage door for years to come.

Roller doors

You may think of roller doors as being drab and dull and just being for industrial buildings or auto repair shops. However, many roller door styles meant for residential homes are very attractive and are made of wood or stamped metal that resembles wood, so they don't look so dull. A roller door is good for a smaller space and shorter driveway, where a traditional swing-out door can get in the way. Roller doors that roll up into a housing unit above the door can also open up the ceiling of the garage for storage.

Side hinged

Side hinged doors open at the side rather than rolling up into the garage itself. These can be good for those who don't use an automatic garage door opener but who cannot physically handle the weight of lifting a garage door. They're also good for when you want to consistently access your garage on foot; you can easily open one side of the garage door for entry and exiting, without opening the entire door. This can keep the garage inside from letting out too much heat or air conditioning and also add to privacy if you don't want to give your neighbours a full view of what you're keeping in the garage.

Carriage style doors are a type of side hinge; these usually have a rounded top and are designed to look like old-fashioned carriage houses, with oversized hinges and handles. They can give your home a very regal look and add to the curb appeal of your garage itself, making them a good choice for larger garages that are very visible from the street.


Sectional doors are just that; they are made in sections that are connected by hinges. These are a good choice if you want to keep the door partially closed at times, such as when kids needs to access the garage with their bikes, With a sectional door, you can have the door fold up into as many sections as needed, versus having to open a single-panel door completely.
